I prize — Derezovskiy David Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan)
II prize — Lobanova Anna (Russia)
III prize — Chen Ye (China)
CGD prize — Dinc Osman (Turkey)
Special prize for Esenin`s topic — Katunina Yana (Russia)
Participants awarded an Honourable Mention and Book Prizes:
- Babkina Irina Russia
- Bannykh Vasilisa Russia
- Choleva Dilyana Bulgaria
- Ding Qi China 2
- Gajos Adriana-Mirabela Moldova
- Ging Yujian China
- Han Xudong China
- Kaya Imran Turkey
- Lin Hongze China
- Marusey Yliana Russia
- Mrozek Katarzyna Poland
- Nita Rada Romania
- Piskunova Anna Russia
- Rabajiev Todor Bulagaria
- Shuruba Natali Moldova
- Sidorenko Gleb Belarus
- Speshilova Anna Russia
- Stikhina Tatiana Russia
- Tyan Tatiana Russia
- Zhurunova Margarita Ukraine
All winners will receive their awards personally, by post or bank accounts.
We have received works of 264 young artists from 16 till 26 years old from different parts of Russia (Krasnoyarsk, Tver`, Nizhniy Tagil, Habarovsk, Volzhsk, Ekaterinburg, Volgograd, Omsk, Voronezh and etc.) and also from abroad 13 countries (Brazil, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Spain, Turkey, Poland, Serbia, China, Moldova, Ukraine, Rumania).
Vladimir 2015
Winners will be announced in Vladimir
- Babkina Irina Russia Х2
- Bannykh Vasilisa Russia С3С5
- Chen Ye China C3
- Choleva Dilyana Bulgaria C3
- Derezovskiy David Kazakhstan X3
- Dinc Osman Turkey CGD
- Ding Qi China C2
- Gajos Adriana-Mirabela Moldova C3C5
- Ging Yujian China X2
- Han Xudong China C3C4C5
- Katunina Yana Russsia C3
- Kaya Imran Turkey CGD
- Lin Hongze China X1
- Lobanova Anna Russia X2X3
- Marusey Yliana Russia X1
- Mrozek Katarzyna Poland X3
- Nita Rada Romania C3
- Piskunova Anna Russia C4
- Rabajiev Todor Bulagaria siligraphy
- Shuruba Natali Moldova C3C5
- Sidorenko Gleb Belarus C3
- Speshilova Anna Russia X3
- Stikhina Tatiana Russia C3C5
- Tyan Tatiana Russia C3
- Zhurunova Margarita Ukraine C3C5
Russian Ex libris Association (MSK), Ex libris Museum of MSK has the honour to invite you to participate in the Third International Ex libris Competition for Young Artists. The Competition will be hold in September, 2015 in the old russian city Vladimir. Third International Ex libris Competition for Young Artists is an open Competition. Its purpose is to awake interest in ex libris and its traditional technique among students and young artists from high schools, colleges and universities.
First and Second International Students Exlibris Competition was hold in 2011 and in 2013. As a result exhibitions were organized in St Petersburg (2011) and Moscow (2013). Catalogues has been published.
Participants of these Competitions were students and young artists from more than 12 countries and 45 regions of Russia. The success of the competitions was largely due to the support provided by FISAE, members of the FISAE board were also members of the international jury of this competition.
In 2015, an international exlibris competition for young artists is going to be hold again.
Works submitted for the Competition shall have the ex libris function, i.e. they shall include the words “EX LIBRIS” (or its substitute) integrally related to the composition field and dedication consisting of full first name and surname of the owner or name of institution. In case of initials or abbreviations, please provide their full versions on the ex libris reverse. The motif of the works is not limited. The topic is free!
The competition is open to works submitted by the authors from all nationalities. Participants should be aged from 16 till 26. The participation in the competition is free.
Techniques admitted
All graphic techniques are admitted. The works shall be created in the years 2013-2015.
Computer designed ex libris will be nominated separately and will get a special award.
Size of paper and printing
The paper used for printing must not be bigger than 210х290 mm
The printed part must not be bigger than 150×150 mm
Ex libris should not be framed as this will be done by the organizers.
Number of Ex Libris to be sent
Each participant may submit up to a maximum of six (6) different Ex Libris. Each Ex Libris must be sent with two (2) copies; each one must be signed or initialled by the artist. On the back of each Ex Libris, the following must be written in pencil: the title, the technique used, the year of execution, the measure of the print, full versions of initials or abbreviations used, the artist’s name and surname, and nationality (in English).
Participants of competition should send electronic versions of their works for edition of the catalogue (not less than 300DPI) and to fill the application form of the participant (in english), which may be downloaded from the Organizer`s website:
Ways of sending the Ex Libris
The Ex Libris must be sent inside a solid and waterproof package, with the words “DO NOT
BEND” written on the envelope (or small package), by means of a registered letter or an insured
letter. Inside the package, the application form must be enclosed, filled out in a readable way, and
with the postal address and e-mail of the author together with a brief curriculum indicating
education and professional training.
If the sending is done by means of a single shipment but containing the works of two or more
artists, each participant must fill in and sign the attached application form,
which implies the participation in the competition and the acceptance of the regulations.
Deadline for acceptance
The envelope containing the Ex Libris must be received no later than 1 May 2015. The works received after the designated deadline will not be considered for the Competition.
Delivery address
The shipment must be made to the following address:
Exlibris Museum
Pushechnaya ST. 7/5
Moscow, Russia
Transfer of the rights to use the Ex Libris received
The material submitted for the contest will not be returned and will remain property of Moscow Exlibris Museum and International Union of Social Associations of Bibliophiles (MSK), which will be allowed to use them freely and without having to ask permission for its cultural activities.
By participating in the contest, the artist transfers all rights of publication and reproduction with traditional and multimedia techniques of the Ex Libris sent to Moscow Exlibris Museum and International Union of Social Associations of Bibliophiles (MSK), as well as the rights to use them for exhibitions.
Publication of the Ex Libris
The Ex Libris will be gathered in a catalogue containing the works by the prizewinning and selected artists as well as those awarded an Honourable Mention, except the nonselected and the excluded by the technical panel. The artists included in the publication will be given a free copy.
Exhibition of the Ex Libris
The prizewinning Ex Libris as well as the mentioned and the selected ones will be displayed in an exhibition that will be held in Vladimir and Moscow (Russia) in September 2015.
It will be given:
1. Three awards for successful execution of traditional technique.
First prize 500 euro
Second prize 300 euro
Third prize 200 euro
2. Award for computer design ex libris 200 euro
3. Honorable Mention Artists Certificate
All winners will receive their awards personally, by post or bank accounts.
More details can be found at
Application form
Vladimir 2015
E-mail: _______________________________________________________
Brief biography_________________________________________________
Lists of exlibrises:
Signature Date
Moscow 2013
Russian Ex libris Association, International Union of Social Associations of Bibliophiles (MSK), Ex libris Museum of MSK and Russian Book Union has the honour to invite you to participate in the Second International Ex libris Competition for Young Artists. The Competition will be hold in September, 2013. Second International Ex libris Competition for Young Artists is an open Competition. Its purpose is to awake interest in ex libris and its traditional technique among students and young artists from high schools, colleges and universities.
Organizers: International Union of Booklovers, Russian Exlibris Association MSK, Exlibris Museum
Under the auspices of International Federation of Ex-libris Societies (FISAE)
With the support of Russian Book Salon
I prize – 500 euros II prize — 300 euros III and CGD prize – 200 and 200 euros were provided by the International Union of Booklovers, Chairman L. Shustrova (Russia)
Special prizes was provided by the Publishing house “Numizmatic literature” and the magazine “Numismatic”, General director Kashtanova N. U. (Russia)
Prizes for laureates of the competition: Russian Book Union, Publishing house “Numizmatic literature”
I prize — Skachkov Kirill (Ukraine)
II prize — Ivashkovskaya Dina (Russia)
III prize — Koteles Endre (Serbia)
CGD prize — Onur Askin (Turkey)
Special prize for Romanov`s topic — Krivosheenko Julia (Russia)
Participants awarded an Honourable Mention and Book Prizes:
Yana Bolikova (Russia), Sahak Chibukhchyan (Armenia), Dmitriy Derezovskiy (Kazakhstan), Mehmet El (Turkey), Anastasiya Epishina (Russia), Elena Guzun (Moldova), Aleksandra Jagodzinska (Poland), Jakub Jaszewski (Poland), Jia Liu (China), Anna Lobanova (Russia), Kirill Lysenko (Russia), Yilin Peng (China), Dina Pikulina (Russia), Olga Shanko (Russia), Evdokiya Shibaliva (Russia), Chen Tang Yu (China), Xi ao Wang (China), Yu hang Wang (China), Meryem Yilmaz (Turkey), Alisa Zudova (Russia).
All winners will receive their awards personally, by post or bank accounts.
We have received works of 347 young artists from 16 till 26 years old from different parts of Russia (Krasnoyarsk, Tver`, Nizhniy Tagil, Habarovsk, Volzhsk, Ekaterinburg, Volgograd, Omsk, Voronezh and etc.) and also from abroad 12 countries (Austria, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Czech Republic, Turkey, Poland, Serbia, Bulgaria, China, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus).
In July 2013 you will see the gallery of the best works which were selected by Jury members and which will be gathered in the catalogue.
The works of the prizewinning and selected artists as well as those awarded an Honourable Mention, except the nonselected and the excluded by the technical panel will be gathered in the catalogue. The artists included in the publication will be given a free copy. Dispatch of the catalogues will begin in October 2013 (they will be send with payment forward).
Exhibition of the Ex Libris
The prizewinning Ex Libris as well as the mentioned and the selected ones will be displayed in an exhibition that will be hold in Moscow (Russia) in September 2013.
Members of the international jury:
- Tauno Piiroinen, President of XXXIV FISAE Congress
- Mariano Casas Hierro, President of XXXV FISAE Congress
- Benoit Junod, Member of FISAE
- Hasip Pektas, Artist, President of XXXIII FISAE Congress
- Professor Shen Yanxiang, chairman of the China Exlibris Association
- Valeriy Pokatov, President of Russian exlibris association
List of participants:
№ | Name | Country |
1 | Adviye Unver | Turkey |
2 | Ali Tapan | Turkey |
3 | Alyona Fedik | Ukraine |
4 | Anat Zeybek | Turkey |
5 | Aslı İNSEL | Turkey |
6 | Aydın TEYMUR | Turkey |
7 | Ayga Gopur | Turkey |
8 | Aylin ERDİNÇ | Turkey |
9 | Aylin IZFANOVA | Turkey |
10 | Ayse Yerlikaya | Turkey |
11 | Aysegul Ozturk | Turkey |
12 | Ayşenur ALİGÜL | Turkey |
13 | Baihui Liu | China |
14 | Berfin Karakus | Turkey |
15 | Beril Albayrak | Turkey |
16 | Berk İNAN | Turkey |
17 | Berkay Akil | Turkey |
18 | Betina Sason | Turkey |
19 | Bora SARAÇOĞLU | Turkey |
20 | Boris Sokachev | Bulgaria |
21 | Buker ELÇİ | Turkey |
22 | Burcu Baykus | Turkey |
23 | Burcu UYAR | Turkey |
24 | Büşra AMAL | Turkey |
25 | Bvoz` Agnieszka | Poland |
26 | Cansu Unal | Turkey |
27 | Cem KARAKAŞ | Turkey |
28 | Ceylan Akture | Turkey |
29 | Cheng Lijie | China |
30 | Cigden Yasar | Turkey |
31 | Cindy Leitner | Austria |
32 | Costru Yvanka Vasile | Moldova |
33 | Damla Demirkol | Turkey |
34 | Damla Tuzcu | Turkey |
35 | Defne Kiruc | Turkey |
36 | Demet Korkmaz | Turkey |
37 | Demre Delipinar | Turkey |
38 | Dilay Hut | Turkey |
39 | Duygu Alsancak | Turkey |
40 | Duygu BİROL | Turkey |
41 | E.Başak AKGÜL | Turkey |
42 | Ebru ÇARDAK | Turkey |
43 | Ebuzer CANER | Turkey |
44 | Ece Alpergun | Turkey |
45 | Ece Naz BATMAZ | Turkey |
46 | Ecem NALÇAKAR | Turkey |
47 | Edanur ÖZTÜRK | Turkey |
48 | Ekincan AYHAN | Turkey |
49 | Elif Aktas | Turkey |
50 | Elif Berna DÖRTPINAR | Turkey |
51 | Elif GÖKCAN | Turkey |
52 | Elif Sarialemdaroglu | Turkey |
53 | Emine Sandal | Turkey |
54 | Erhan Yildirim | Turkey |
55 | Esra Yamak | Turkey |
56 | Esra YILDIZ | Turkey |
57 | Eylül ÖZBEK | Turkey |
58 | Ezgi ŞEN | Turkey |
59 | Fatih Ulker | Turkey |
60 | Fatma Aslanoglu | Turkey |
61 | Fazekas Izabella | Serbia |
62 | Firat Sen | Turkey |
63 | Fustos Emma | Serbia |
64 | G. Umur Erbay | Turkey |
65 | Gabriela Popovicova | Czech Republic |
66 | Gao Yan | China |
67 | Gisdem Senol | Turkey |
68 | Gizem SOYLU | Turkey |
69 | Gizem Ucar | Turkey |
70 | Guan Xi Wen | China |
71 | Gubeher Cengil | Turkey |
72 | Gülseren ÖZDEMİR | Turkey |
73 | Gülsev KUBALAS | Turkey |
74 | Guzun Elena | Moldova |
75 | Hacer ÇİÇEK | Turkey |
76 | Hafsa FİDAN | Turkey |
77 | Halil Efe RÜZGAR | Turkey |
78 | Hande ÖZGELDİ | Turkey |
79 | Hümeyra ERDEM | Turkey |
80 | Hürriyet Berkay İNAN | Turkey |
81 | Ilayda Sekerciotun | Turkey |
82 | İpek İKİZOĞLU | Turkey |
83 | İpek KABADAŞ | Turkey |
84 | İrem ÇAMLICA | Turkey |
85 | Irmak SUSUP | Turkey |
86 | Izzet Yeman | Turkey |
87 | İzzet YEMAN | Turkey |
88 | Jakub Jaszewski | Poland |
89 | Kolovics Klaudia | Serbia |
90 | Korgün KORKUT | Turkey |
91 | Koteles Endre | Serbia |
92 | Krasimira Lyubenova Drenska | Bulgaria |
93 | Kubra Kolukisa | Turkey |
94 | Leynep Saka | Turkey |
95 | Li Shi Chao | China |
96 | Li Sinan | China |
97 | Liu Baihui | China |
98 | Liu Jia | China |
99 | Liza BÜYÜKTAŞCIYAN | Turkey |
100 | Lulu Zhang | China |
101 | Ma Yining | China |
102 | Medine YILDIRIM | Turkey |
103 | Mehmet EL | Turkey |
104 | Mehtap Yumus | Turkey |
105 | Melek Gulbaz | Turkey |
106 | Melike Nur BÜYÜK | Turkey |
107 | Meral YILMAZ | Turkey |
108 | Meryem Yilmaz | Turkey |
109 | Mingming Tian | China |
110 | Munibe Girgin | Turkey |
111 | Nagihan ÖZKAR | Turkey |
112 | Naz Altac | Turkey |
113 | Naz Suden ÇOLAK | Turkey |
114 | Naz Uziyel | Turkey |
115 | Nazan DUMAN | Turkey |
116 | Nazli | Turkey |
117 | Nazlı Deniz ÇALIŞAN | Turkey |
118 | Nazmiye Nazli Cekic | Turkey |
119 | Neşe YILAR | Turkey |
120 | Neslihan BEYAZKILIÇ | Turkey |
121 | Neslihan ÖZKAR | Turkey |
122 | Nuray GÜNEY | Turkey |
123 | Okan Kilic | Turkey |
124 | Onat Zeybek Kuskonmaz | Turkey |
125 | Onur AŞKIN | Turkey |
126 | Osman Pekin | Turkey |
127 | Oyku Nur Salgin | Turkey |
128 | Özgü Nur GÜNER | Turkey |
129 | Ozlem Karaosmanoglu | Turkey |
130 | Paszterko Richard | Serbia |
131 | Reha KİP | Turkey |
132 | Rümeysa KARATAŞ | Turkey |
133 | S Mert Karadana | Turkey |
134 | Sabri OLGUN | Turkey |
135 | Sami Boran KOÇOĞLU | Turkey |
136 | Sarp M | Turkey |
137 | Selin KIRALİ | Turkey |
138 | Semih KAYIM | Turkey |
139 | Sena KARAKAŞ | Turkey |
140 | Serpil TÜRK | Turkey |
141 | Sevgi TANYAŞ | Turkey |
142 | Sevilay SAKİN | Turkey |
143 | Sevinç SARITAŞ | Turkey |
144 | Sezer Eren | Turkey |
145 | Sinem Algan | Turkey |
146 | Şule YILMAZ | Turkey |
147 | Sumeyye Perk | Turkey |
148 | Sun Xingcan | China |
149 | Szalvai Ramona | Serbia |
150 | Tang Yu Chen | China |
151 | Than Than | China |
152 | Tian Ming Ming | China |
153 | Tsveta Plamenova Petrova | Bulgaria |
154 | Tuğçe AKSOY | Turkey |
155 | Tuyge Ozbakir | Turkey |
156 | Veliana Borislavova Ivanova | Bulgaria |
157 | Wan Yu | China |
158 | Wang Xi`ao | China |
159 | Wang Yu`hang | China |
160 | Xunan Yu | China |
161 | Yasemin Cihangir | Turkey |
162 | Yegmur Kokturk | Turkey |
163 | Yesim Dursum | Turkey |
164 | Yetkin YAĞCI | Turkey |
165 | Yilin Peng | China |
166 | Zeynep İrem SÖZER | Turkey |
167 | Zeynep TAŞ | Turkey |
168 | Zhang Lulu | China |
169 | Zhu Guan Chu | China |
170 | Ziya Tansu | Turkey |
171 | Zoritsa Stefanova Pencheva | Bulgaria |
172 | Алейникова Алина | Москва |
173 | Алексеева Алиса | СПБ |
174 | Алексеева Анна | Нижний Тагил |
175 | Амосова Валерия | Хабаровск |
176 | Андреева Мария | Оренбург |
177 | Андронов Андрей | Хабаровск |
178 | Ануфриева Ольга | Суздаль |
179 | Артышкова Ирина | Украина |
180 | Бадамшина Дина | Екатеринбург |
181 | Бакланова Екатерина | Красноярск |
182 | Батыр Ирина | Екатеринбург |
183 | Белоусова Наталья | Нижний Тагил |
184 | Болинова Яна | Москва |
185 | Борисова Ирина | Москва |
186 | Бродягина Анна | Москва |
187 | Бронникова Анастасия | Чувашия Чебоксары |
188 | Брюханов Сергей | Нижний Тагил |
189 | Быкова Наталья | Суздаль |
190 | Валиулин Даниил | Екатеринбург |
191 | Венгер Ксения | Екатеринбург |
192 | Вергузова Екатерина | Москва |
193 | Вечтомов Роман | Москва |
194 | Возиян Денис | Хабаровск |
195 | Вознесенский Валентин | ЕАО г. Биробиджан |
196 | Волкова Галина | Екатеринбург |
197 | Воробьева Наталья | Чебоксары |
198 | Гаврилова Татьяна | Чебоксары |
199 | Галченко Софья | Екатеринбург |
200 | Голованова Екатерина | Москва |
201 | Гордиенко Яна | Оренбург |
202 | Горелова Ирина | Красноярск |
203 | Гражданкина Ольга | Красноярск |
204 | Гулевич Мария | Хабаровск |
205 | Гурман Екатерина | Оренбург |
206 | Гусева Дарья | Красноярск |
207 | Давыденкова Анастасия | Москва |
208 | Давыдова Надежда | Москва |
209 | Дерезовский Давид | Казахстан |
210 | Дорошкевич Ирина | Украина |
211 | Егоров Кирилл | Татарстан г. Зеленодольск |
212 | Егорова Ксения | Чебоксары |
213 | Елецкая Татьяна | Москва |
214 | Епишина Анастасия | Нижний Тагил |
215 | Ермохина Татьяна | Хабаровск |
216 | Ерофеев Никита | Москва |
217 | Жиделева Елена | Нижний Тагил |
218 | Загайнова Екатерина | Волжск, республика Марий-Эл |
219 | Загретдинова Эльвира | Чебоксары |
220 | Зайкина Елена | Москва |
221 | Зайцева Мария | Суздаль |
222 | Зудова Алиса | Нижний Тагил |
223 | Иванова Мария | Тверь |
224 | Иванчикова Александра | Москва |
225 | Ивашковская Дина | Красноярск |
226 | Имгада Даниил | Екатеринбург |
227 | Ипатова Алина | Москва |
228 | Ишумбаева Виктория | Екатеринбург |
229 | Казанцева Валентина | Чебоксары |
230 | Казанчева Оксана | Нальчик |
231 | Камолова Елена | Нижний Тагил |
232 | Кандакова Наталия | Екатеринбург |
233 | Канделя Алена | Москва |
234 | Каплина Маргарита | Москва |
235 | Кармаенкова Анна | Зеленодольск республика Татарстан |
236 | Карнаух Александра | Москва |
237 | Карпова Наталья | Москва |
238 | Кесмеренко Алена | Хабаровск |
239 | Клопова Валерия | Нижний Тагил |
240 | Кнокова Александра | Суздаль |
241 | Коваленко Дарья | Красноярск |
242 | Коваль Наталия | Хабаровск |
243 | Ковшова Мария | Чебоксары |
244 | Кожевникова Дарья | Екатеринбург |
245 | Комолова Полина | Екатеринбург |
246 | Корзняков Михаил | Нижний Тагил |
247 | Коробкова Виолетта | Подольск |
248 | Косарева Александра | Москва |
249 | Котик Макаров Евгений | Ижевск |
250 | Краева Екатерина | Нижний Тагил |
251 | Кривомеенко Юлия | Москва |
252 | Крылова Ольга | Чебоксары |
253 | Куантова Алена | Нальчик |
254 | Кулиш Оксана | Украина |
255 | Кургинян Гаянс | Хабаровск |
256 | Курцеба Лилия | Украина |
257 | Лабанова Анна | Москва |
258 | Лазарь Екатерина | Минск |
259 | Лопасов Роман | Оренбург |
260 | Лынник Анастасия | Краснодар |
261 | Лысенко Кирилл | СПБ |
262 | Маврина Екатерина | рес-ка Татарстан Зеленодольск |
263 | Макаренко Светлана | Хабаровск |
264 | Макарова Дарья | Красноярск |
265 | Максимова Марина | Красноярск |
266 | Марак Наталия | Украина |
267 | Мартынова Екатерина | рес-ка Татарстан Зеленодольск |
268 | Мерецкая Виктория | СПБ |
269 | Минасова Анастасия | Москва |
270 | Минимулина Ренара | Оренбург |
271 | Миронова Галина | Чебоксары |
272 | Михайлова Мария | Иваново |
273 | Мышелова Алена | ЕАО г. Биробиджан |
274 | Назарова Анастасия | Чебоксары |
275 | Налапко Богдана | Хабаровск |
276 | Неклюдова Анна | Екатеринбург |
277 | Никиреева Вероника | Россия |
278 | Никитина Екатерина | Екатеринбург |
279 | Никулина Лариса | Москва |
280 | Новожилов Стас | Суздаль |
281 | Нусратова Луиза | Нижний Тагил |
282 | Озернова Евгения | Хабаровск |
283 | Окулич-Казарин Дмитрий | Москва |
284 | Опрятнова Виктория | Нижний Тагил |
285 | Орлова Ирина | Чувашия |
286 | Павлюк Елена | Оренбург |
287 | Пасонина Анастасия | Москва |
288 | Пасюнина Марина | Чебоксары |
289 | Пермякова Мария | Свердловская обл. |
290 | Першина Александра | Оренбург |
291 | Пикулина Дина | Хабаровск |
292 | Подкидышева Мария | Оренбург |
293 | Попова Юлия | Нижний Тагил |
294 | Постоленко Дарья | Екатеринбург |
295 | Приходько Иван | Нижний Тагил |
296 | Прокофьев Сергей | Оренбург |
297 | Проскурякова Екатерина | Хабаровск |
298 | Прохацкая Светлана | Хабаровск |
299 | Прошина Екатерина | Оренбург |
300 | Прудников Денис | Красноярск |
301 | Пушкина Евгения | Чебоксары |
302 | Радыш Юлия | Украина |
303 | Раева Марина | Хабаровск |
304 | Разумовская Екатерина | ЕАО г. Биробиджан |
305 | Рамазанова Сабина | Хабаровск |
306 | Рогожинкова Вера | СПБ |
307 | Рыжова Мария | Москва |
308 | Саак Чибухчян | Армения |
309 | Сазыкина К | Хабаровск |
310 | Самойленко Яна | Черкассы |
311 | Сапожков Никита | Москва |
312 | Семенова Кристина | Чебоксары |
313 | Семерикова Анна | Нижний Тагил |
314 | Семизорова Татьяна | Екатеринбург |
315 | Синькинеева Наталья | Хабаровск |
316 | Скачков Кирилл | Украина |
317 | Склярова Анна | Оренбург |
318 | Слюсарская Ольга | Украина |
319 | Смирнов Егор | Чебоксары |
320 | Смирнова Екатерина | рес-ка Марий-Эл, пгт. Приволжский |
321 | Смоленцева Мария | Орел |
322 | Соколова Алена | Екатеринбург |
323 | Спижевая Ксения | Суздаль |
324 | Стрижкова Алена | Оренбург |
325 | Судакова Анна | СПБ |
326 | Супруновская Ольга | Железногорск, Курская обл. |
327 | Титов Максим | Хабаровск |
328 | Токарева Алена | Москва |
329 | Трухачев Семен | Суздаль |
330 | Тубольцева Ольга | Чебоксары |
331 | Турсанова Анна | Нижний Тагил |
332 | Тэвдой-Бурмули Александра | Москва |
333 |
Ульяновская Анастасия Филатова Елена |
Москва Казахстан |
334 | Фокина Юлия | Нижний Тагил |
335 | Черендеева Виктория | Чебоксары |
336 | Черная Анастасия | Хабаровск |
337 | Чибухчян Саак | Армения |
338 | Чиркова Алина | Хабаровск |
339 | Шанько Ольга | Екатеринбург |
340 | Шаревни Иван | Хабаровск |
341 | Шевцова Анастасия | Красноярск |
342 | Шибалова Евдокия | Москва |
343 | Шундрина Полина | Оренбург |
344 | Шурбя Анна | Чебоксары |
345 | Эпп Елена | Нижний Тагил |
346 | Юмашева Екатерина |
Москва |
Saint Petersburg 2011
I prize — Sofia Vorontsova (Russia)
II prize — Grigoriy Babich (Russia)
III prize — Linfeng Tan (China)
IV prize — Irem Camlica (Turkey)
Participants awarded an Honourable Mention:
Asiyat Kamilova Камилова Асият (Russia), Xiong Youfei (China), Alisa Pogorazdova (Russia), Karolina Yakubet (Russia), Victoria Batalova (Russia), Elena Chechulina (Russia), Alena Larionova (Russia), Sergey Khristoforov (Russia), Elena Zgogulina (Russia), Ece Gonenc (Turkey), Emre Sengun (Turkey), Maria Belova (Russia), Maria Titova (Russia), Anastasia Agureeva (Russia), Vera Rogozhnikova (Russia), Yuriy Nikolaev (Russia), German Tugarinov (Russia), Ekaterina Panaeva (Russia), Tatiana Sergeeva (Russia), Saida Kerimova (Russia), Naxli Beniz (Turkey).
Its purpose is to awake interest in ex libris and its traditional technique among students and young creative people from high schools and colleges.
We have received works of 249 young artists from 16 till 26 years old from different parts of Russia (Krasnoyarsk, Tuymen, Volgograd, Omsk, Voronezh and etc.) and also from abroad (Austria, Turkey, Poland, Italy, China, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus and etc.).
Within the frames of the Exhibition there was a meeting of russian artists and collectors from St Petersburg with our guests, students and jury members.
Heinrich Scheffer, Elizabeth Scheffer, Hasip Pektas, Suleyman Tecsan, Nurgul Arikan, Tauno Piiroinen came to the opening of the exhibition.
The works of the prizewinning and selected artists as well as those awarded an Honourable Mention, except the nonselected and the excluded by the technical panel were gathered in the catalogue. The artists included in the publication will be given a free copy. Dispatch of the catalogues will begin in June (they will be send with payment forward).
Exhibition of the Ex Libris
The prizewinning Ex Libris as well as the mentioned and the selected ones were displayed in an exhibition that was held in St. Petersburg (Russia) on 21 April 2011, at the Lenexpo Center.
Members of the international jury:
- William Butler, executive secretary of FISAE
- Benoit Junod, member of FISAE
- Heinrich R. Scheffer, president of Austrian Exlibris Society
- Suleyman S. Tekcan, artist, Professor, Istanbul Isik University, Faculty of Fine Arts
- Tauno Piiroinen, president of XXXIV FISAE Congress
- Valeriy Pokatov, president of Russian exlibris association